Mexico A-to-Z:
Bacalao to Butterflies

Mexico B

Discover Mexico A-to-Z

Bacalao to Butterflies


Bacalao is codfish that has been dried and salted as a means of preservation. It’s the principal ingredient of Bacalao a la Vizcaina, a tasty Mexican dish that includes the rehydrated cod and potatoes prepared in a sauce using tomatoes, onion, garlic, herbs, chiles, garlic, and olives.
Mexperience: Mole and other things you haven’t tried | Christmas party foods
Online: Recipe for Bacalao a la Vizcaina
See Also: Mexican Food

Baja California is the northern-most of Mexico’s States, bordering California, USA. Although it’s sometimes erroneously referred to as Baja California Norte this is incorrect; the State should be referred to as Baja California. Its capital, Mexicali, and Tijuana, are key border cities. Baja California has also emerged as an important wine producing region.
Mexperience: Baja California
Online: Baja California State (Wikipedia), Mexican Wine (Wikipedia)
See Also: San Felipe

Baja California Sur is one of Mexico’s newest States, inaugurated into Statehood in 1974, 151 years after Mexico’s first States were accepted by Congress into the union. It occupies the southernmost region of the Baja California Peninsula, and is host to Los Cabos, one of Mexico’s most important and prestigious tourism centers. Its capital, La Paz, offers ferry services between the peninsula and the State of Sinaloa on the Mexican mainland.
Mexperience: Baja California Sur
Online: Baja California Sur State (Wikipedia)
See Also: La Paz

Mexico is well served by modern banks, and offers visitors and foreign residents a range of financial services to choose from, including extensive networks of ATMs, bank accounts, loans, credit cards and financial investment services. Banks and banking services in Mexico have expanded and improved enormously over the last decade.
Mexperience: Banking & Financial Services
See Also: Mexican Peso

Mexican traders enjoy bargaining, but beware: if they feel you are trying to devalue their goods too much, they may become upset and might even refuse to trade with you. As a rule, you should refuse the first price you’re offered, but be realistic with your subsequent offers, and don’t become too aggressive with your position.
Mexperience: Bargaining in Mexico, Expat Skills: Barter & Negotiation
See Also: Tipping

With over 6,000 miles of coastline, you are spoiled for choice when you’re seeking a beach in Mexico. From high-octane, crowded party beaches to exclusively private and secluded – and everything in between – you can find it Mexico. Mexperience shows the best places to go when you’re looking for sea and sunshine here.
Mexperience: Mexico’s Beaches
See Also: Outdoors Activities

Mexicans have been brewing beer for centuries and today Mexico is one of the world’s top beer-producing countries. By the turn of the 20th century, beer had become big business in Mexico, helped also by prohibition in the United States at that time, which gave rise to a brisk and profitable trade of beer and other alcoholic beverages along Mexico’s border towns and cities. A large range and variety of beers are brewed in Mexico, and some of them are top-selling beers in markets other than Mexico, including the USA, Canada, Europe, and Australasia.
Mexperience: Mexican Beer
See Also: Mexican Bar

Benito Juárez was born on March 21, 1806, in San Pablo Guelatao, in the southern state of Oaxaca. Around age 12, orphaned and knowing no Spanish, he went to the state capital Oaxaca to live. He studied at the Santa Cruz seminary, but abandoned the idea of the priesthood for a career in law. After becoming a lawyer, he entered politics, first in his home state and then nationally. Juárez is best known for the Reform Laws of 1859, which established the separation of Church and State, expropriated church properties, and introduced civil weddings. He led the liberals in the Reform War of 1858-1861, which pitted them against the conservatives. The conservative forces were defeated, and Juárez called elections, which he won, assuming the presidency in 1861. His most famous saying is that ‘among individuals as among nations, the respect for the rights of others is peace’.
Mexperience: Benito Juárez
Online: Benito Juárez (Wikipedia)
See Also: History

Secluded in the jungle about 113 m (183 km) southeast of Palenque along Rio Lacanja, are the remarkably well-preserved ruins of a Mayan temple archeologists date back to the 7th and 8th centuries. Called Bonampak, it means “painted walls” and it is the highly-detailed frescoes — drawings telling the history of the people who lived here — painted on the inside of the walls and roofs of three buildings which make Bonampak a true delight and major attraction for archaeologists and visitors alike. The frescoes are remarkably well preserved and the highlight of a visit to Bonampak.
Mexperience: Bonampak
See Also: Archaeology

In the space of a few years, much has changed regarding access to books in Mexico, thanks largely to the proliferation of eBooks, tablets, and online shopping, although Mexican bookshop chains continue to flourish here. The major bookstores are Gandhi, El Sotano, Casa del Libro, and Fondo de Cultura Economica, but and a dozen or so smaller chains can also be found in the capital.
Mexperience: Bookworms’ Choices in Mexico City
See Also: Media

Pan de Muerto, Bread of the Dead, is like any other bread—except that it has a few treats added into the mixture which serve to make it special. The generous amounts of butter employed in its making, accompanied by a citrus glaze, and a good helping of sugar crystals dusted on top make this loaf a sugar-rush feast that, when fresh, also happens to melt deliciously on the tongue.
Mexperience: Offerings on Day of the Dead in Mexico
See Also: Day of the Dead

Only Spain has more bullfighting rings than Mexico. The blood-sport was introduced to Mexico during the colonial era and has remained here since. However, in recent years, public opinion in Mexico has been shifting and spectator numbers are in decline. Bullfighting remains legal at a Federal level in Mexico, although three Mexican States have banned it: Sonora in 2013, Guerrero in 2014, and Coahuila in 2015. An annual bull-run still takes place in San Miguel de Allende during September each year.
Online: Bullfighting (Wikipedia)
See Also: San Miguel de Allende

Traveling by bus across Mexico can be quite a pleasant experience, exceeding many people’s initial expectations. Mexico’s executive class bus services offer the ultimate in bus transport comfort and amenities—and they’re affordable. Mexico’s bus companies have invested heavily to create an extensive network of bus routes, offering passengers the opportunity to traverse the entire country by bus. Although there are several classes of bus service in Mexico, the most popular among visitors (and those interested in traveling comfortably) are first and executive class coaches which transport customers in comfort and safety, on high-specification, quiet and modern air-conditioned buses.
Mexperience: Bus Travel in Mexico
See Also: Transport

See: Etiquette

See: Monarch Butterflies

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