Mexico A-to-Z:
Water to Working

Mexico W

Discover Mexico A-to-Z

Water to Working


Depending on who you speak to in Mexico, you might be told that tap water is perfectly potable or that it’s not even suitable for brushing your teeth. Some cities and towns have excellent public water systems and local people especially are quite content drinking water from their tap; but not every place can be depended upon to have a reliable source of potable water. Unless you know for sure that the water is potable, you do well to take bottled or filtered water instead.
Mexperience: Drinking Water
See Also: Alcohol, Drinking

Mexico’s mountainous terrain lends itself well to waterfalls. Among the most dramatic and three most visited are those in State of Chiapas in southern Mexico: Agua Azul, El Chiflón and Misol-Ha.
Mexperience: Waterfalls
See Also: Outdoors Activities

See: Climates

See: Marriage

Mexico employs the metric system in all its official weights and measures (e.g. kilometers, kilos, meters, centimeters, liters, metric tons). Google makes conversion easy, simply type in what you want to convert, e.g. “23 pounds in kilos” and the calculation will be presented to you.
Mexperience: Facts and Figures
Online: Metric System (Wikipedia)

Every year, California Gray Whales migrate from the cold Bering and Chukchi waters near Alaska to the warm Pacific waters off the coast of Mexico’s Baja peninsula. The whales leave their feeding waters off the shores of Alaska at the end of the summer and reappear off the coast of Mexico’s Baja peninsula sometime during November each year. They arrive here to form courtship groups for mating or to bear the calves which were conceived the year before. When the mating and births are complete, the whales return to the food-rich Alaskan waters pregnant, or with their newly born calves around mid-March.
Mexperience: Whale Watching
See Also: Outdoors Activities

See: Internet Services

See: Immigration

While many foreigners moving to Mexico are doing so to retire, increasing numbers of working-age professionals are seeking to leave their home country and find a life abroad. One of the perceived obstacles of moving to Mexico is earning a living here; however, with the rapid development of the Internet, and increasing numbers of people working in “knowledge” trades, business today is more portable than ever. Modern communications the ‘digital economy’, and changing work practices in modern business are giving rise to some unique opportunities for people with the skills, expertise, and aptitude for working on a freelance basis. Besides the attractions of a good year-round climate and great culture, there are other practical reasons why Mexico is becoming increasingly attractive for working professionals.
Mexperience: Working in Mexico
See Also: Living

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