What Propels the Value of Real Estate in Mexico?
Discover what drives Mexican house prices and rents and connect to resources that help you gauge property values across Mexico's highly-localized realty markets
Articles and guides with local knowledge and contacts to help you buy, sell, rent, own, and manage your residential property in Mexico
Articles and guides with local knowledge and contacts to help you buy, sell, rent, own, and manage your residential property in Mexico
Discover what drives Mexican house prices and rents and connect to resources that help you gauge property values across Mexico's highly-localized realty markets
Connect to the most comprehensive and detailed guide to real estate and property in Mexico—whether you're buying, owning, renting, or selling
Protecting your most valuable physical asset against unforeseen events is an essential consideration as you formulate your Mexico lifestyle budget
Most people use a realty agent to help them sell their house in Mexico, and some sellers also choose to spend money on additional advertising online and offline
Most buyers opt for a prebuilt house in Mexico, but opportunities exist for building on land and renovating old properties. This article describes the options
Mexico has plenty of property for rent, although finding a rental home in the right location that's also adequate for your needs requires planning and effort
The Settlement Company® has over 34 years expertise helping foreigners to transact property in Mexico and offers an independent examination of your transaction
Learn about the typical fees and taxes buyers must pay in addition to the agreed sales price when buying residential property in Mexico
You'll need to find suitable accommodations when you move to Mexico. This article explores the choices and practicalities involved in finding a home
By making adequate plans for the inevitable, your assets will be administered according to your wishes and your interests will be better served
Often overlooked, third party liabilities related to your Mexican property can be mitigated with adequate insurance cover
Timeshare is not a property investment—it's a long-term contractual commitment to pay for annual trips to a resort (or resorts) offered by the Timeshare company