Living & Lifestyle

Your Local Mexican Economy Needs Your Support Now

Mexico has declared a public health emergency and suspended all non-essential activities. Traders in your local community need your support through this difficult period

Working Together in Community Support

If you’re a foreign resident living in Mexico, your local community needs you now. It’s time to step-up and make your presence here count.

Mexico Suspends All Non Essential Activities

On March 30th, 2020 Mexico declared a public health emergency and suspended all non-essential activities until May 30th.

Many regions across Mexico have entered the ‘Phase 3’ stage of the Coronavirus event, the measures of which can severely affect independent businesses and traders in your local community.  Get involved, participate, and find active roles to help the local Mexican communities you care about and love calling home.

This article shares ideas about how you can support your local traders through this difficult time.

Small independent businesses in Mexico employ vast numbers of local people—at cafés, restaurants, bars, local shops and boutiques, etc.

The Coronavirus event is creating a threat to independent businesses whose payrolls especially depend on a constant flow of customers—customers who can’t frequent their establishments for the time being.

The health emergency declared on March 30th will force many local traders to close down for an extended period.

Small businesses in Mexico don’t have access to credit and capital pools that small businesses may have in other places.  Cash-flow is critical and the only credit line most have is their patrons’ custom.

Step forward and actively participate in your locality!

Small independent businesses are the heart of soul of most local communities across Mexico and if you lose them, you’ll miss them afterward.

If you receive a regular pension or other income that is not being affected by the current economic crisis, you can spend-forward your money and take other initiatives to help local independent businesses through these unprecedented times.

Here are some ideas about how you can help:

Buy Coupons at Restaurants, Cafés and Bars: An innovative and practical way to offer support is to buy coupons from local independent businesses that can be spent at those establishments later.  By buying the coupons, you help the traders’ cash flow, enabling them to cover payroll and other non-optional expenses.  Check the Facebook pages or websites of the restaurants, cafés and bars you enjoy frequenting locally and find out if they have a coupon program in operation.

Take-aways: Many places that serve food are offering take-away instead of in-house dining.  Trade a night-out with a night-in and buy the food from the local restaurant or bistro you would have normally dined at.  Call your local independent taxi firm (public transport will remain in operation) and ask them to pick-up the order for you, and that will give custom to the local cabbies, too.

Local Economic Support Fund: If you live somewhere in Mexico that has a significant expat community, you might consider harnessing your community’s expertise to organize and establish a local ‘economic support fund’.  Local funds are very powerful instruments because they pool resources and all the money goes directly to support the people who need it.  The wealthier members of the community might contribute generously to the fund to get the ball rolling.

Maids & Gardeners: If they cannot visit your home,  find a way to keep paying your maid, gardener and any other regular staff who attend your home.

Get local cabbies to shop and courier for you: If you live in a smaller town or city, you probably have the number of a local cab firm you call when you need transport.  Some of these local cab firms will also undertake local shopping.  Consider hiring your local cabbies, especially if you live in a town that is heavily dependent on tourists which are often the cab drivers’ primary source of income.

Tip often, tip generously! If you live in Mexico, you know that tipping is an integral part of the trading culture here.  We encourage you to tip often and tip generously during this difficult time.

Tips for Senior bag-packers at supermarkets: If you live in Mexico you’ll know that all the supermarkets hire seniors to pack groceries in exchange for tips.  Soriana (and probably other supermarkets) are sending these workers home; however, if you visit the supermarket to buy food, Soriana says that you can leave a tip for the senior bag-packers at the checkout and the supermarket will match the amount (i.e. double the tip) and distribute the money given evenly between all their bag-packers.

Interest-free loans and donations: If you personally know a local business owner who is struggling through reasons brought about by the current situation, you might consider offering an interest-free cash loan or donate some money to help them keep their staff during the downturn.

If you have some other constructive ideas, please add a comment below to share with others.

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  1. Karuna says

    And when a person of humble origins tries to refuse help, tell them to pass it on to someone who might need it. This way they have the option of paying it forward or keeping it for themselves without loosing face. The only way to psychologically survive this crisis is to be there for others.

  2. Muhammad Faisal says

    I always give money to poor people in the streets I think we all need to help our poor brother and Sister’s in this hard situation love Mexico from Pakistan ??❤️??

  3. Tracy Tugwell says

    I lost two part time incomes that added to my retirement check that pays my bills down here. In order to replace them I started a small store out of my home. We are in an area that is on the outskirts of the local town and it is quite a hassle to go into town. We are limited to one car, one person and once a day. Plus having to get out of our car, walk through a tent where an unknown type of mist is sprayed on us and or temp is taken. So my husband and I have opened an abarrotes and sell, soda, candy, chips, beans, rice, some basic veggies and fruits, tortillas, etc.. We try to keep our prices competitive with the prices in the stores within town and it helps the people living on this side of the road block get what they need without having to go into town everyday.

  4. Joan says

    That is called “paying it forward”!

  5. Stephanie says

    When you have to go out to buy groceries when at the checkout consider paying for “locals” groceries that maybe in line in front or behind you!
    You Dont have to make a fuss or draw attention just quietly tell the cashier that you will look after paying the bill for the basket of grocery for the people that need a little help
    Be quietly polite and humble and allow the recipient to just be thankful and accept the help from a fellow human and not feel embarrassed or pitied!!

    • Melissa Dunn says

      What a beautiful way to help out. Thank you for suggesting this.

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