This page contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that customers ask us in regard to purchasing eBooks from Mexperience
Free eBooks vs Paid eBooks
Mexperience offer you a selection of eBooks for free. When you add it to your library cart and check out you are not charged for these eBooks.
When you purchase an eBook(s) from Mexperience, our shop sends you an email with an encrypted link(s) so that you can download and save your paid eBook(s). If you have not received this email 5 minutes after you complete your purchase, please check your junk/spam email folder in case it was placed there by mistake. If you still can’t see it, contact us and we’ll be pleased to assist you.
What type of device do I need to read Mexperience eBooks?
What is a PDF file?
How do I purchase Mexperience eBooks?
Are Mexperience eBooks available in paper format?
How do you take payment for eBooks?
How do I download and read eBooks I have purchased?
What if I am having trouble with my eBook downloads?
Will eBooks Sold by Mexperience open on my Kindle, iPad, etc?
What if I am not satisfied with an eBook I buy from Mexperience?
Can I print-out the eBook to read on paper?
How Do I Contact Mexperience about eBooks?
What is an eBook?
eBooks are like regular books, but instead of being printed, bound and physically shipped to you, they are presented in a readable electronic format that can be downloaded as a file instantly over the Internet. There are no packing or shipping charges and there’s no need to wait for your book to arrive as you can download it electronically moments after your purchase is confirmed.
What type of device do I need to read Mexperience eBooks?
Any computer or mobile device that will read PDF (Portable Document Format) files will be able to read Mexperience eBooks. This includes all computers in use today (Windows/Mac/Linux), as well as eBook readers, and mobile devices including iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets, Windows Mobile, etc.
What is a PDF file?
Mexperience delivers all its eBooks in the popular PDF file type.
PDF is a special format that enables all types of computers to read files easily, regardless of what device brand or operating system you are using.
Your computer or other device will need a “PDF Reader” installed. A PDF Reader is a software program that opens PDF files and presents their content to you; it also allows you change the way the file is viewed and it enables you to print out the file. Every computer and mobile device sold today has PDF reader installed at the factory. This means you don’t have to do anything; your computer or device will automatically recognize PDF files and open them in the PDF Reader for you when you click to open them.
In the very unlikely event that your computer or device does not have a PDF Reader installed, you can download a reader completely free of charge from Adobe’s web site. The download and installation only takes a few moments.
Tip: PDF Readers allow you to magnify pages, so you can make the text look bigger or smaller on screen than the original text, depending on your eyesight and reading preferences.
How do I purchase Mexperience eBooks?
Our eBooks Store makes browsing and purchasing eBooks simple.
Free eBooks: You can add free eBooks to your library cart and when you check out, you will not be charged for these.
Paid eBooks: eBooks for purchase can each be bought individually.
Are Mexperience eBooks available in paper format?
All our eBooks are provided in electronic versions only; however you can print one copy for personal use if you want a paper version of the eBook as well. See also: Can I print my eBook to read on paper?
How do you take payment for eBooks?
We use PayPal to transact all our eBook purchase payments.
PayPal is a popular and secure way to pay for goods and services online.
When you check-out from our eBooks store, you will be directed to a secure payment page on PayPal. From that page, you may either:
- Login to your PayPal account (if you have one) and pay using PayPal; OR
- Enter your credit or debit card details.
PayPal payments are fully secured using the latest security technologies.
Mexperience never asks for or knows your credit card details; your payment is transacted securely with PayPal who pass the funds to us.
When your payment has been completed, you will receive an email from Mexperience confirming your purchase with instructions about how to download your eBook purchase(s). You will also receive an email from PayPal confirming receipt of your payment. You should keep this receipt and its corresponding reference number in case of any future inquiries you may have in regard to your payment.
Will eBooks offered by Mexperience work on my Kindle, Nook, Tablet, iPad, etc.?
Mexperience eBooks will work ANY mobile device or eReader that supports the universal PDF (Portable Document Format). Most Kindle eReaders will read PDF files. The iPad reads PDF as standard; smartphones will open PDF file (or have downloads which make PDF viewing possible).
Kindle, Nook: Kindle and Nook users can convert Mexperience eBook PDFs into readable formats–check your Kindle or Nook instructions for details.
What if I am not satisfied with an eBook I purchased on Mexperience?
We want you to be absolutely satisfied with every eBook purchase you make from Mexperience.
In the event that you are not satisfied with your eBook purchase, or in the unlikely event that you cannot view the eBook file document on your computer/device, please contact us using this form within 30 days of your purchase date to tell us how the eBook failed to meet your expectations.
How do I download and read eBooks I have selected?
Downloading your eBooks
When you complete your purchase, you will be presented with an order confirmation screen that enables you to download your eBooks.
Free and Paid eBooks: The eBooks library will send you a purchase confirmation email after you check out and complete the payment. The email will contain encrypted links to the eBook(s) you have purchased. By clicking the link, you will be redirected to a secure page online where your eBook can be downloaded to your computer or mobile device. When prompted, click “Save” and choose a location on your computer or device for safe-keeping of the file.
Copyright Notice: All of our eBooks (Free and Paid) are protected under international Copyright Law in the same way that any other book or publication is protected. Infringing Copyright is illegal and undermines the knowledge economy.
Please support our community’s efforts by respecting the eBook works offered via Mexperience. Thank you for your support!
What if I am having trouble with my eBook downloads?
If you have made a payment but that payment has not cleared, you will not receive your download link(s) until PayPal tells us that your bank card or PayPal account payment has cleared.
In most instances, payments clear immediately and the eBook(s) you purchased are available for immediate download via the encrypted link sent in your purchase confirmation email.
In a small number of cases, there might be a delay receiving your payment clearance from PayPal. The overwhelming number of payments are cleared within an hour, maximum. If your payment has not cleared within 48 hours (or 7 days if you paid using a PayPal eCheck), please contact us and we will investigate further.
If you experience a technical problem when downloading your eBook(s) please please contact us and we’ll be pleased to help you resolve it.
May I print-out a copy of the eBook(s) to Read on paper?
The eBooks we sell allow you to print-out one copy of the publication for personal use. See How Do I Access and Read eBooks I Have Purchased? for more information about this.
How do I contact Mexperience about eBooks?
We want you to be completely satisfied with the Mexico eBooks you buy from Mexperience.
If you experience any problems downloading or reading an eBook you buy from us, or if you are not satisfied with the eBook you have purchased, please contact us using our customer Contact Form (select the eBooks option) and a member of our eBooks team will be pleased to take care of your concerns.