We have made changes to the way you access your eBook purchases from Mexperience.
Please read this information for more details.
What has changed?
We’ve made our eBook Shop simpler and easier to use. Customers no longer have to register and login to purchase and access their eBooks. Instead, our eBook Shop emails you an encrypted link immediately after you make a purchase, which enables you to download your eBook(s) and store them on your device or storage service for use anytime.
What happened to eBooks I used to access from the Mexperience Media Library?
Our records showed that the overwhelming number of customers only used the Media Library to download a copy of the eBook, not as a repository for their purchases. In these days of online storage (DropBox, Google Drive, One Drive, etc.) most customers are storing their eBooks safely elsewhere. So as part of the changes, we have discontinued the Media Library.
What if I lost my eBook and need a replacement copy?
If you need a copy of an eBook(s) you purchased in the past, we will do out best to help and provide you with a replacement copy. Please Contact Us and include details of the eBook title(s), and the PayPal receipt reference (if you have it)—although we can search our archives with the email address you used when you purchased the eBook(s).
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