Customer Testimonials

Thank you message

A selection of customer testimonials sent to Mexperience.

All testimonials are unaltered quotes from unsolicited emails sent to Mexperience.

Thank you for your useful information. I LOVE receiving your newsletter and I appreciate your research because I travel to Mexico 2-3 times a year and I plan on moving to Mexico in a few years.”

Thank you for a wonderful website with lots of info that actually means something!!  We are coming back and looking forward to another tour with awesome people. I know the info I get here is dead on. I also look forward to every issue of your newsletter.

Just wanted to thank everyone that is involved with publishing Mexperience. Last year we traveled to Rocky Point… loved it so much we just finished all the paperwork on our condo. Keeping updated with Mexperience has helped us with just about all of our questions and has given us a new out look on mexico. Thank you again and again… and keep up the great work!”

This is one of the best, clear and concise web sites I have come upon while researching an eventual retirement to Mexico in the 8 months I have been pursuing every possible link regarding Mexico. Congratulations on a job well done!

Just to let you know that your web site is very informative, accurate and very complete. I don’ t have any inconvenience recommending it to friends and clients. Congratulations!

I have just registered today for your site. I am so impressed by the content on the web site that I felt the need to congratulate you. In the last half hour, I have learnt so much about Mexico. Well done to all involved! Thank you very much.

Thank you for your useful information. I LOVE receiving your newsletter and I appreciate your research because I travel to Mexico 2-3 times a year and I plan on moving to Mexico in a few years. [NB: customer’s capitalization]

Your web site is really fantastic. It gave me a lot of contemporary information that I was searching for and could not find elsewhere. I really enjoyed and learned from your site. Keep up the great work. [NB: customer’s underlining]

My job entails visiting Mexico for business as well as assisting Idaho professionals visiting on trade missions so I enjoy archiving your newsletters for sharing with them. I will continue to recommend you to people traveling and doing business with Mexico.

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